A Traditional Chinese Medical approach to manage injury, pain and stress. Needle manipulation of structural tissues have been shown to create physiological changes within all the metabolic pathways of the 12 systems.
massage therapy
Individualized Manual Therapy techniques that manipulate soft tissue structures to enhance function. A consistent treatment plan is an essential component to optimize recovery and performance.
Each treatment plan is customized in regards to the movement and energy demands of each specified lifestyle. In addition, the correction of muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions will ensure more freedom in your life.
corrective exercise
Overuse, trauma or surgery could alter the capacity for the fascial system to function optimally by interrupting its continuity. It is necessary to restore fascial function in order to carry out pain free and uncompensated movement.
Fascial Fitness fully integrates our bodies and remedies our imbalances to optimize our movement vocabulary.
Furthermore, this will enable you to function well while playing sports or spending quality time with your family.